Safe Motherhood Connects with “Open a Door” which gives Education to Future Women Leaders from Post-Conflict Countries

Jan 4, 2015: Professor Miller meets with Rwandan Scholars from the NGO “Open a Door” which provides educational opportunities for future women leaders from post-conflict countries (Rwanda, Afghanistan, Cambodia) for a leadership seminar.
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Shock Index: An Effective Predictor of Adverse Outcomes from Postpartum Hemorrhage

A New article in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (BJOG) by UCSF Safe Motherhood Program and King’s College London finds Shock Index is a Superior Predictor of Adverse Outcomes in PPH. Read “Shock index: an effective predictor of outcome in postpartum haemo
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NASG is “Rescue Treatment” for PPH in BJOG 2015 Review Article

The NASG was highlighted as “rescue treatment” in the latest review article on postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) by Andrew Weeks, The prevention and treatment of postpartum haemorrhage: what do we know, and where do we go next?, published in the January 2015 by BJOG. This review
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