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Dear friend,
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our supporters a Happy New Year and a peaceful 2010. To celebrate the new year and our progress bringing the NASG to women who need it, we would like to share one amazing story with you.
Maryama’s Story – Nigeria
This is Maryama, a first-time mother from Nigeria, a country in which 1 in 8 women will die from pregnancy and childbirth-related complications. Following the birth of her son, Maryama started bleeding and slipped into shock. Blood was seeping away from her vital organs and pooling in her lower body. If this continued, Maryama’s brain, heart, and lungs would fail and she would die.
Just a few months earlier, staff at this hospital had been trained in the use of the NASG. Maryama’s doctor quickly applied the NASG and continued her care of Maryama.
Maryama’s life was saved, her son now has a chance to thrive and her family to function, thanks to her doctor and this remarkable first-aid device.
Book for Midwives
The latest edition of the internationally acclaimed ‘Book for Midwives’ coauthored by Dr. Miller, completely re-editied and with new sections, has just been released. This amazing obstetrical first-aid training manual is used in dozens of developing countries. Click here for more information and to purchase one.