October 2009 Newsletter

Dear friend,

Your previous interest in and support of our projects have prompted us to start a newsletter to keep you up to date with the fantastic progress of the NASG project. Please keep reading and supporting us through your interest as we strive to end death in childbirth.

Trainings in the Copperbelt Region           LifeWraps Logo - Ending Death in Childbirth      

This month we have been training health care providers in two of the largest hospitals in Zambia. We took the NASG and experienced trainers from the US and Nigeria to share skills with midwives, doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists, and surgeons. Women who hemorrhage in these facilities will be resuscitated using this life-saving device. In fact, immediately after the Copperbelt training there were two women with massive hemorrhage whose lives were saved by the newly trained providers using the NASG! 

Read more about the NASG and the countries we are working in on our website.

Getting the message out!                                LifeWrap, UCSF, Bixby, Slogan 

This month, leaders in the field of obstetrics and gynecology from around the world meet to discuss new research and startegies to improve women’s health on a global scale. At this prestigious forum, UCSF Safe Motherhood Program researchers and international colleagues will be presenting no less than eight presentations, 2 posters and a whole symposium on the NASG – really extending the findings from our research and hopefully garnering more interest and support for a worldwide scale-up of NASG use.
Follow our investigators as they share their news with field leaders at FIGO http://www.figo2009.org.za