Peer Reviewed Scientific Publications:
Differences in Life-Saving Obstetric Hemorrhage Treatments for Women with Abortion Versus Nonabortion Etiologies in Tanzania. Smith L, Therrien MS, Harley KG, Mbuyita S, Mtema Z, Kinyonge I, Tillya R, Mbaruku G, Miller S. (2019) Stud Fam Plann.
An Integrating Model for Rapid Reduction of Maternal Mortality Due to Primary Postpartum Haemorrhage – Novel Use of the Catalyst Approach to Public Health. Seim AR, Alassoum Z, Lalonde AB, Souley I. (2019). Afr J Reprod Health. Jun 23(2):18-26.
Impact of nonpneumatic antishock garment in the management of patients with hypoperfusion due to massive postpartum hemorrhage. Escobar M, Fernández P, Carvajal J, Burgos J, Messa A, Echavarria M, Nieto A, Montes D, Miller S, Hurtado D. (2019) J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2019 Jan 11:1-171.
Implementation project of the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment and m-communication to enhance maternal health care in rural Tanzania. Mbaruku G, Skaer Therrien M, Tillya R, Mbuyita S, Mtema Z, Kinyonge I, Godfrey R, Temu S and Miller S. (2018) Reproductive Health 15(1):177.
Experience in the use of non-pneumatic anti-shock garment (NASG) in the management of postpartum haemorrhage with hypovolemic shock in the Fundación Valle Del Lili, Cali, Colombia. Escobar MF, Füchtner CE, Carvajal JA, Nieto AJ, Messa A, Escobar SS, Monroy AM, Forero AM, Casallas JD, Granados M, Miller S. (2017) Reproductive Health 14:58.
Recomendaciones internacionales para el tratamiento médico de la hemorragia posparto. Camacho-Castro FA; Rubio-Romero JA. (2016) Revista de la Facultad de Medicina 64 (1): 87-92.
Preventing deaths due to haemorrhage. Hofmeyr GJ; Quereshi Z. (2016) Best practice & research. Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 36:68-82.
Beyond too little, too late and too much, too soon: a pathway towards evidence-based, respectful maternity care worldwide. Miller S; Abalos E; Chamillard M; Ciapponi A; Colaci D; Comandé D; Diaz V; Geller S; Hanson C; Langer A; Manuelli V; Millar K; Morhason-Bello I; Pileggi Castro C; Nogueira Pileggi V; Robinson N; Skaer M; Souza JP; Vogel JP; Althabe A. (2016) The Lancet 388:19-35.
The FIGO Textbook of Pregnancy Hypertension: An evidence-based guide to monitoring, prevention and management. Eds. LA Magee , P von Dadelszen, W Stones, M Mathai, Global Library of Women’s Medicine, ISBN: 978-0-9927545-5-6.
1) Chapter 1: Hypertension: Han A, Helewa M, Stones W, Nathan H, Miller S, Magee LA. pp 1-18
2) Chapter 2: Measurement of proteinuria, Cote AM, Mallapur A, Kagreri G, Ramadurg U, Bannale S, Wang L, Magee LA, Miller S, Stones W. pp 19-32.
3) Hypertension Care Appendices: Han A, Helewa M, Stones W, Nathan H, Miller S, Magee LA, Cote AM, Mallapur A, Kagreri G, Ramadurg U, Bannale S, Wang L. pp 235- 253.
The ongoing violence against women: Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting. Muteshi JK; Miller S; Belizán JM. (2016) Reprod Health 13 (44).
We need to stop female genital mutilation! Belizán JM, Miller S, Salaria N. Reprod Health. 2016 Apr 18;13:43. doi: 10.1186/s12978-016-0131-2
Vital Sign Prediction of Adverse Maternal Outcomes in Women with Hypovolemic Shock: The Role of Shock Index. El Ayadi AM; Nathan HL; Seed PT; Butrick EA; Hezelgrave NL; Shennan AH; Miller S. (2016) PLoS One 11(2): e0148729.
Barriers and Facilitators to Scaling Up the Non-Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment for Treating Obstetric Hemorrhage: A Qualitative Study. Jordan K; Butrick E; Yamey G; Miller S. (2016) PLoS ONE 11(3): e0150739.
WHO compendium of innovative health technologies for low-resource settings, 2011-2014: Assistive Devices, Ehealth Solutions, Medical Devices, Other Technologies, Technologies for Outbreaks. (2015) World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, ISBN: 978-92-4-150999-2.
Beyond repair – family and community reintegration after obstetric fistula surgery: study protocol. Byamugisha J; El Ayadi A; Obore S; Mwanje H; Kakaire O; Barageine J; Lester F; Butrick E; Korn A; Nalubwama H; Knight S; Miller S. (2015) Reprod Health, 12(1):115.
The global epidemic of abuse and disrespect during childbirth: History, evidence, interventions, and FIGO’s mother-baby friendly birthing facilities initiative. Miller S; Lalonde A. (2015) Int J Gynaecol Obstet; 131 Suppl 1:S49-52.
Moving beyond silos: How do we provide distributed personalized medicine to pregnant women everywhere at scale? Insights from PRE-EMPT. von Dadelszen P; Magee LA; Payne BA; Dunsmuir DT; Drebit S; Dumont GA; Miller S; Norman J; Pyne-Mercier L; Shennan AH; Donnay F; Bhutta ZA; Ansermino JM. (2015) Int J Gynaecol Obstet;131 Suppl 1:S10-5.
Misoprostol for primary versus secondary prevention of postpartum haemorrhage: a cluster-randomised non-inferiority community trial. Raghavan S; Geller S; Miller S; Goudar SS; Anger H; Yadavannavar MC; Dabash R; Bidri SR; Gudadinni MR; Udgiri R; Koch AR; Bellad MB; Winikoff B. (2015) BJOG.
The Role of the Nonpneumatic Antishock Garment in Reducing Blood Loss and Mortality Associated with Post-Abortion Hemorrhage. Manandhar S; El Ayadi AM; Butrick E; Hosang R; Miller S. (2015) Studies in Family Planning; 46(3):281-96.
The true cost of maternal death: individual tragedy impacts family, community and nations. Miller, S; Belizán JM. (2015) Reproductive Health; 12:56.
A promising device to save maternal lives associated with obstetrics hemorrhage: the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment (NASG). Miller S; Belizan JM. (2015) Reproductive Health; 12:26.
Non-pneumatic anti-shock garment for improving maternal survival following severe postpartum haemorrhage: a systematic review. Pileggi-Castro C; Nogueira-Pileggi V; Tuncalp O; Oladapo OT; Vogel JP; Souza JP. (2015) Reproductive Health; 12:28.
Nonpneumatic Antishock Garment Combined with Bakri Balloon as a Nonoperative “Uterine Sandwich” for Temporization of Massive Postpartum Hemorrhage from Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation. Jelks A; Berletti M; Hamlett L; Hugin M. (2015) Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology; Volume 2015; Article ID 124157, 3 pages.
Cost-effectiveness of the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment (NASG): evidence from a cluster randomized controlled trial in Zambia and Zimbabwe. Downing J; El Ayadi A; Miller S; Butrick E; Mkumba G; Magwali T; Kaseba-Sata C; Kahn JG. (2015) BMC; 15:37.
The prevention and treatment of postpartum haemorrhage: what do we know, and where do we go next? Weeks A. (2015) BJOG; 122:202–212.
Shock index: an effective predictor of outcome in postpartum haemorrhage? Nathan HL; El Ayadi A; Hezelgrave NL; Seed P; Butrick E; Miller S; Briley A; Bewley S; Shennan AH. (2015) BJOG; 122:268–275.
Mother−baby friendly birthing facilities. International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics; International Confederation of Midwives; White Ribbon Alliance; International Pediatric Association; World Health Organization. (2015) IJGO; 128: 95-99.
The Non-pneumatic Anti Shock Garment (NASG) in Nigeria: the tension between research and implementation. Ojengbede OA, Butrick E, Galadanci H, Morhason-Bello IO, Meyer, C, Duro-Aina T, Fabamwo A, Miller S. (2014) In White RC (Ed.). Global Case Studies in Maternal and Child Health. Pg. 303-314. ISBN 978-0-7637-8153-3
Mother–Baby Friendly Birthing Facilities Initiative. Editorial. (2014) IJGO; 128: 93-94.
Non-pneumatic anti-shock garment to stabilize women with hypovolemic shock secondary to obstetric hemorrhage. FIGO Safe Motherhood and Newborn Health Committee. (2014) IJGO; 128: 194-195.
Access to transport for women with hypovolemic shock differs according to weeks of pregnancy. Butrick E; Penn, A; Itakura, K; Mkumba, G; Winter, K; Amafumba, R; Miller, S. (2014) IJGO; 127(2): 171–174.
Per-protocol Effect of Earlier Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment Application for Obstetric Hemorrhage. El Ayadi, A; Gibbons, L; Bergel, E; Butrick, E; Huong, MT, N.Y; Mkumba, G; Kaseba, C; Magwali, T; Merialdi, M; Miller, S. (2014) IJGO; 126(1): 95–96.
Association Between Severe Obstetric Hemorrhage and HIV Status. Curtis, M; El Ayadi, A; Mkumba, G; Butrick, E; Leech, A; Geissler, J; Miller, S. (2014) IJGO; 125(1).
Combined Analysis of the Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment on Mortality from Hypovolemic Shock Secondary to Obstetric Hemorrhage. El Ayadi, A; Butrick, E; Geissler, J; Miller, S. (2013) BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth; 13(208).
Advances in the Treatment of Postpartum Hemorrhage. El Ayadi, A; Robinson, N; Geller, S; Miller, S. (2013) Expert Review of Obstetrics & Gynecology; 8(6): 525-37.
Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment (NASG), a First-Aid Device to Decrease Maternal Mortality from Obstetric Hemorrhage: A Cluster Randomized Trial. Miller, S; Bergel, EF; El Ayadi, A; Gibbons, L; Butrick, E; Magwali, T; Mkumba, G; Kaseba, C; My Huong, NT; Geissler, JD; Merialdi, M.(2013) PLOS ONE; 8(10): e76477.
Comorbidities and Lack of Blood Transfusion May Negatively Affect Maternal Outcomes of Women with Obstetric Hemorrhage Treated with NASG. El Ayadi, A; Raifman, S; Jega, F; Butrick, E; Ojo, Y; Geller, S; Miller, S. (2013) PLOS ONE; 8(8): e70446.
Use of the Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment (NASG) for Life-Threatening Obstetric Hemorrhage: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Egypt and Nigeria. Sutherland, T; Downing, J; Miller, S; Bishai, DM; Butrick, E; Fathalla, MF; Mourad-Youssif, M; Ojengbede, O; Nsima, D; Kahn, JG. (2013) PLOS ONE; 8(4):e62282.
A Comprehensive Textbook of Postpartum Hemorrhage: An Essential Clinical Reference for Effective Management. 2nd Edition, Sapiens Publishing, London UK. Editors: S Arulkumaran, M Karoshi, LG Keith, AB Lalonde, CB-Lynch. ISBN 978-0-9552282-7-8.
Three chapters include information on the Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment (NASG). The entire book is available for download here. Click below for individual chapters.
1) Chapter 38: Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garments: Clinical Trials and Results. Miller, S; Morris, JL; Fathalla, MMF; Ojengbede, O; Mourad-Youssif, M; Hensleigh, P (deceased). Pg 318-330.
2) Chapter 39: The Mechanisms of Action of the Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment. Stenson, AL; Miller, S; Lester, F. Pg 331-340.
3) Chapter 67: A Community-Based Continuum of Care Model for the Prevention and Treatment of Postpartum Hemorrhage in Low Resource Settings. Kapungu, CT; Koch, A; Miller, S; Geller, SE. Pg 555-561.
Nurses in Low Resource Settings Save Mothers’ Lives with the Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment. Kausar, F; Morris, J; Fathalla, M; Ojengbede, O; Fabamwo, A; Mourad-Youssif; Morhason-Bello, IO; Galadanci, H; Nsima, D; Butrick, E; Miller, S. (2012) MCN – The American Journal of Maternal / Child Nursing; 37(5):308-16.
The Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment: How Applier Strength and Body Mass Index Affect External Abdominal Pressure. Stenson, A; Lester, F; Meyer, C; Morris, JL; Vargas, J; Miller, S (2011) Open Womens Health J; 5, 33-37.
Non-Atonic Obstetric Haemorrhage: Effectiveness of the Nonpneumatic Antishock Garment in Egypt. Fathalla, M.F.; Youssif, M.M.; Meyer, C.; Camlin, C.; Turan, J.; Butrick, E.; Miller, S. 2011 ISRN Obstet Gynecol, vol 2011 Article 179349, doi: 10.5402/2011/179349.
Impact of the Non-pneumatic Antishock Garment on pelvic blood flow in healthy postpartum women. Lester, F.; Stenson, A.; Meyer, C.; Morris, J.; Vargas, J.; Miller, S. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2011; 204(5): 409e1-e5.
Treating Uterine Atony with the Anti-Shock garment in Egypt. Morris, J; Meyer, C; Fathalla, MF; Youssif, MM; Al-Hussaini, TK; Camlin, C; Miller, S. African Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. 5(1):37-42 (January 2011).
Positive Effects of the Non-pneumatic Anti-shock Garment on Delays in Accessing Care for Postpartum and Postabortion Hemorrhage in Egypt and Nigeria. Turan, J; Ojengbede, O; Fathalla, M; Mourad-Youssif, M; Morhason-Bello, IO; Nsima, D; Morris, J; Butrick, E; Martin, H; Camlin, C;, Miller, S. (2011) J Womens Health 20:1. DOI: 10.1089.
Assessing the Role of the Non-Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment in Reducing Mortality from Postpartum Hemorrhage in Nigeria. Ojengbede, OA; Morhason-Bello, IO; Galadanci, H; Meyer, C; Nsima, D; Camlin, C; Butrick, E; Miller, S (2011) Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation 71:66–72.
The Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment for Postpartum Haemorrhage in Nigeria. Ojengbede, O; Galdanci, H; Morhason-Bello, IO; Nsima, D; Camlin, C; Morris, JL; Butrick, E; Meyer, C; Mohammed, AI; Miller, S (2011) Afr J Midwifery Womens Health 5(3);135-9.
Obstetric hemorrhage and shock management: using the low technology Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment in Nigerian and Egyptian tertiary care facilities. Miller, S; Fathalla, MMF; Ojengbede, OA; Camlin, C; Mourad-Youssif, M; Morhason-Bello, IO; Galadanci, H; Nsima, D; Butrick, E; al Hussaini, T; Turan, J; Meyer, C; Martin, H; Mohammed, AI (2010) BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 10.64.
Can the Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment (NASG) reduce adverse maternal outcomes from postpartum hemorrhage? Evidence from Egypt and Nigeria. Mourad-Youssif, M; Ojengbede, OA; Meyer, CD; Fathalla, M; Morhason-Bello, IO; Galadanci, H; Camlin, C; Nsima, D; al Hussaini, T; Butrick, E & Miller, S (2010) Reproductive Health 7:24.
A comparative study of the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment for the treatment of obstetric hemorrhage in Egypt. Miller, S; Fathalla, MM; Youssif,MM; Turan, J; Camlin,C; Al-Hussaini, TK; Butrick, E; Meyer, C. (2010) International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. (109)1: 20-4.
Acceptance of a New Technology for Management of Obstetric Hemorrhage: A Qualitative Study from Mexico. Berdichevsky, K; Tucker, C; Martinez, A; Miller, S. Health Care Women Int. May 2010, 31(5):444-57.
A Comparative Study of the Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment (NASG) for the Treatment of Obstetric Hemorrhage in Nigeria. Miller, S; Ojengbede, O; Turan, J; Morhason-Bello, IO; Martin, H; Nsima, D. (2009). International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. (107)2: 121-5.
Anti-Shock Garment in Postpartum Haemorrhage. Miller, S; Martin, H; Morris JL. Best Practice and Research in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology, August 2008, 22(6) 1057-74.
Use of the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment (NASG) to reduce blood loss and time to recovery from shock for women with obstetric haemorrhage in Egypt. Miller, S; Turan, JM; Dau, K; Fathalla, M; Mourad, M; Sutherland, T; Hamza, S. et al.Global Public Health Journal,2007, 2(2); 110-24.
Anti-Shock Garments for Obstetric Hemorrhage. Miller, S; Ojengbede A; Turan J; Ojengbede O; Butrick, E; Hensleigh, P. Current Women’s Health Reviews,2007, 3(1), 3-11.
A Continuum of Care Model for Postpartum Hemorrhage. Geller, S; Adams, MG; Miller, S. International Journal of Fertility & Women’s Medicine:, 52(2-3), 97-105, 2007.
First Aid for Obstetrical Hemorrhage: The Pilot Study of the Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment (NASG) in Egypt. Miller, S; Hamza, S; Bray, E; Gipson, R; Nada, K; Fathalla, M; Mourad, M. et al. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology,2006, 113(4): p. 424-9.
The pilot study of the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment (NASG) in women with severe obstetric hemorrhage: Combined results from Egypt and Nigeria. Miller, S; Turan, JM; Ojengbede, A; Ojengbede,O; Fathalla, M; et al. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics,2006, 94(S3), ps43-s44.
Postpartum Hemorrhage: New Thoughts, New Approaches. (Book chapter) Miller, S & Hensleigh, P Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology Chapter 14, Non-pneumatic Anti-shock Garment for Obstetric Hemorrhage. 2006. Editors: C. B-lynch, A. LaLonde, L. West. Sapiens Publications, UK.
Prevention and Treatment of Postpartum Hemorrhage: New Advances for Low Resource Settings. Miller, S; Lester, F; Hensleigh, P. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health 2004, Jul-Aug; 49(4):283-92.
A non-inflatable anti-shock garment for obstetric hemorrhage. Brees, C; Hensleigh, PA; Miller, S; Pelligra, R. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2004, 87 (2), 119-124.
New and underutilised technologies to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity: what progress have we made since Bellagio 2003? Tsu, V; Coffey, P. BJOG 2009; 116: 247–256.
2017 Miller, S. Too Much Too Soon: Overintervention in Maternity Care. Presented at the Wilson Center, April 24, 2017. Washington D.C.
2016 -
Improving Quality of Care for Mothers and Newborns: Lancet Launch. Miller, S and Millar K. Presented at UCSF Global Health Sciences. December 13, 2016. San Francisco, California.
Miller, S. NASG for Emergency Responders in Crisis Settings. International Federation of Red Cross, Geneva, Switzerland.
El Ayadi A, Byamugisha J, Obore S, Mwanje H, Kakaire O, Barageine J, Nalubwama H, Lester F, Knight S, Korn A, Miller S. Development and Preliminary Validation of the Post-Fistula Repair Reintegration Tool among Ugandan Women. Presented at the ITM Colloquium 2015: Toward Better Maternal and Neonatal Health. November 24-27, 2015. Rabat, Morocco.
El Ayadi A, Byamugisha J, Obore S, Mwanje H, Kakaire O, Barageine J, Nalubwama H, Lester F, Knight S, Korn A, Miller S. Physical, emotional and economic burden of caregivers for women with obstetric fistula. Presented at the ITM Colloquium 2015: Toward Better Maternal and Neonatal Health. November 24-27, 2015. Rabat, Morocco.
El Ayadi A, Nalubwama, H, Byamugisha, J, Mwanje, H, Obore, S, Kakaire, O, Barageine J, Lester, F, Korn, A, Knight, S, Miller, S. Reintegration to Family and Community after Obstetric Fistula Surgery: Experiences of Ugandan Women. 143rd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition (October 31 – November 4, 2015), Chicago.
El Ayadi, E, Miller S, et. al. S182.3 Vital sign prediction of adverse maternal outcomes in women with hypovolemic shock: the role of shock index, FIGO 2015, Vancouver, Canada.
Nathan, H, Miller S, Shennan, A. et al. S182.5 Utility of SI thresholds to improve maternal health in low resource settings, FIGO 2015, Vancouver, Canada
Miller, S. NASG Update, Post-Partum Hemorrhage Pre-congress Workshop, FIGO 2015, Vancouver, Canada.
Miller, S, et. al. S148. PPH Panel 1: Misoprostol and Other Uterotonics in the Management of PPH: New Evidence to Guide Clinical Practice, Secondary vs. Primary Prevention for PPH at Home and Sub-center, FIGO 2015, Vancouver, Canada.
Miller, S. Mother Baby Friendly Birthing Facilities Policy FIGO 2015, Vancouver, Canada.
Pinheiro, A, Pacagnella, RC, Ceccatti, JG, Miller, S, Souza JP, Durocher, J, El Ayadi, A. Postpartum Hemorrhage and Hypovolemia: New insights for Definition and Rapid Diagnosis. Poster Presentation, 3rd BIRTH Conference, Fortelaza, Brazil, March, 2015.